And now I'm back in the UK and it's January. The snow is melting
today and the sun is out. Christmas has come and gone and thirteen is
the number I must remember and can't.
I didn't ride the west coast train. I didn't go inland to the Mojave. I only went to Hollywood on one evening look-see and I won't need to go again. California was interesting, but not for the reasons I thought it might be.
I did cook a kind of nut roast for Thanksgiving. I did sit on the beach and get soaked to the skin by an unexpected wave hitting a rock and creating an enormous plume of water like a geyser. We did lose a key, found it again, and lost it again. Life as metaphor.
And the sea, always the sea...
I didn't ride the west coast train. I didn't go inland to the Mojave. I only went to Hollywood on one evening look-see and I won't need to go again. California was interesting, but not for the reasons I thought it might be.
I did cook a kind of nut roast for Thanksgiving. I did sit on the beach and get soaked to the skin by an unexpected wave hitting a rock and creating an enormous plume of water like a geyser. We did lose a key, found it again, and lost it again. Life as metaphor.
And the sea, always the sea...