Monday, 19 March 2012

The tyranny of trinkets

A friend, also a writer, talks about the tyranny of choice as a modern ill. Where once our lives were circumscribed by class, religion, wealth or politics, now our mobility, our access to cheap goods and aspirational advertising appears to make everything possible, and if not possible then at least tangible. Only the sheer plethora of offers and enticements, desires and needs, leaves us in a limbo, paralysed by too much information and too many options to process.

Of course, he may only have been talking about writing a book.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Fact and Fiction

There are many ways to tell this story, few that will be satisfactory to all. My hope is that the combination of popular presentation, an element of the comic book and the political thriller, together with real events, will encourage those with no direct knowledge of the revolution, or the fifties and sixties, to go further on their own in finding facts, coming to opinions formed independently. A good read, a really good read, that's primary...

Going Public

April 22nd is the anticipated publication date. Review copies will go out shortly thereafter.